We are in the midst of the May Flower Moon (also a Blue Moon)…. If life has been feeling upside down recently this could be why.
Well, firstly the full moon is in Scorpio and a Scorpio moon is seen as the most powerful for releasing, cleansing and changing your life!
Scorpio in Astrology rules over death, re birth and spiritual transformation, I don’t know about you but I have personally had a pretty tough month, overwhelming emotions and a genuine feeling that I was peeling back the layers of my life to reveal my truth… which has been interesting and at times really hard!
This moon is partly about seeing your authentic self, it can be painful and losing the mask, taking off the armour, letting go of our burdens reveals what is hiding below…. This Scorpio full moon will show no mercy in helping to show you who you are! Scorpio likes to dwell in the darker area’s of your life making this period intensely emotional – you may find yourself revisiting old desires, feelings and regrets that you thought had gone.
Once you are faced with truth you realise that these masks, coats of armour to protect you are not actually necessary any more. We can live our truth, we can be who we really are! You are allowed to LET IT ALL GO!
Taking off the layers is a very powerful and sometimes emotional thing to do. Releasing and letting go is equally powerful and the Scorpio Full moon enables you to go deep into you. Find out what is holding you back, your hang ups, your outdated fears….. BREATH DEEPLY and prepare to clear it all up to live up to your fullest potential!
Are you an authentic person? Would you like to be? Who are you? What can you be?
Of course, these are deep questions and its not always easy to find the answer within the space of the full moon… I have personally had an overwhelming time with this Scorpio Moon which is why this blog is so late!
Lay good foundations during these next two weeks… be honest with yourself about the path you are walking and the direction we are heading.
Working with Scorpio energy is not about what you are doing but how you are doing what you do… what’s the life plan? Not the human one…. Its not about where you live, who you date, where you work…
What are you learning, feeling and experiencing? Where is your next adventure coming from? What does that adventure look like? Your journey hasn’t finished… it may have only just begun! Never forget that your soul will gently nudge you along the way…. Even if you fall onto a different path it’s never wrong if you are gaining an experience from it.
Always know that there are no real wrongs in life… just the choices you make on how you see the world, is there a new adventure around the corner? There doesn’t have to be – the choice is yours!
The May Scorpio Moon ensures that we listen carefully to our soul song…. Making sure that we can hear it, allowing the moon to work her magic. Let her in at this time, allow yourself to see who you really are – don’t be afraid. Let go of thoughts concerning society, drama’s with friends, family feuds.
Get in tune with your soul… realise your potential. You are successful, intelligent, amazing – trust yourself, trust your innate ability to simply know what is best. The answers you are looking for are not always big and grand, they are simple, pure thoughts from your heart and soul that enable you to live authentically, to follow your soul plan.
Everyday things should be as important as the big future things… you spend a lot of time in your everyday. Be conscious of it… live in the present moment, don’t miss out on the magic because you have become wrapped up in trying to create your future!
There are little miracles happening every single day – don’t miss out on them because we have such big dreams for the future we are missing out on the now!
I went for a walk today, it’s not unusual for me because I walk a lot… but today I made sure I was conscious of what was going on… my feet on the earth, the softness of the earth where it had been raining, the bird song was truly beautiful, the way the sun flickered through the trees with their new green leaves, the wild flowers that have just popped up, the bees flying from one flower to the next… there were so many things I miss because I am planning for the future or rushing about.
This full moon has been a powerful one for me, its been transformational and I am sure that there are many people who’s lives have been turned upside down by her magic this month.
Remember… you are ALWAYS on the right path – just focus on how you are doing things rather than what you are doing.
One Love
Donna xxx