7 ways to beat Lockdown Blues…..
It happens to us all doesn’t it… you wake up and there it is… a massive dose of ‘I do not want to adult today’.
Personally, this last year has had more than its fair share of those days, with a holiday cancelled, a lockdown birthday and heading towards another – not to mention not being able to see or hug anyone I love.
It was making me feel extremely down in the dumps and that got me thinking… what can you do to help yourself out of lockdown blues? What can you do to cheer yourself up? How can I make this situation better for myself… Here is what I decided…
My 7 tips for beating Lockdown Blues are here – Enjoy:
Give yourself a hug and be kind to yourself – this is at the top of my list and for some good reason… Its free! There is not much you can get for free these days, being kind to yourself is definitely one of them and is so important – especially now.
We spend too much time being critical about ourselves on a regular basis… I found I was self-sabotaging my days because I was feeling negative about the lockdown situation.
It would include moaning and grumbling about things, heading for the fridge to comfort eat whilst in the same breath complaining that I was eating too much, losing days on end to box sets… you know it… we have all done it! Are still doing it!
I wasn’t getting anywhere, a spiral I didn’t want to be on which led me to my second recommendation - a company called HeartMath.
Everyone is talking about meditation practices, and in truth – we all know it….
The HeartMath Institute have done some extensive research since they opened their operation in 1991 and have shown that by being still and tuning into your heart can alleviate depression, stress, anxiety and can help you become more in control of your thoughts, feelings and how you treat yourself.
They believe that by spending just a couple of minutes in the morning tuning into your heart and bringing it into coherence with the brain can really help to awaken your heart. Its worth trying this for a week – I did and felt so much better!
My number 3 is breathing…. Yes, we all know it is something we do to keep ourselves alive – it’s much more than that….
Transformational Breath Expert Sally Asquith says ‘A restricted breathing pattern can have negative effects on our physical health and energy levels and can make us feel emotionally drained, and in reverse restricted breathing can be caused by emotional upset. We hold our breath to stop ourselves from feeling and if this becomes a habit, we lose the ability to reconnect with our body and our emotion’.
Sally has been running regular online breathing classes from her studio in West Berkshire since the beginning of the first lockdown and is running two 6 day Transformational Breath Seminars in June and August of this year.
‘With regular practice the breath flows more freely at all times and it is common to experience better health, mental clarity, emotional freedom and mindfulness. Suitable for all ages breathwork can become a lifelong self-help tool.
Number 4 on my list has to be one of my dear friends Aroma Sprays.
Rosanne Boulton Nash is an author of children’s books as well as a very experienced aromatherapist specialising in creating Aroma Sprays to support your wellbeing.
There are so many to choose from Sacred Smudge to the Avebury Trees – my favorite to help be rid of feeling negative is the Aroma called ‘Joy’
It’s simply in the name isn’t it? How can you possibly feel sad if you have Joy to spray all around you?
What I particularly love about these sprays, apart from the delicious smells, is they can be carried around in a bag as they are not heavy, a true ‘grab and go’. When we are able to go out and about that is….
So…. As I am a jeweller and crystal expert, it would be wrong of me not to have a crystal up my sleeve to share with you, number 5 on my list is gorgeous Lepidolite.
A stone that everyone should have somewhere in their house. It is such a great helper to people with high levels of stress, anxiety or depression. It can help to lift a mood and feel happier in general.
Lepidolite is one of the best sellers in Elements of Avebury for exactly this reason – sales on the Elements website are always high when Lepidolite is on there – I always say to people ‘catch it quickly’ or it will be gone…
There are a few Lepidolite bracelets handy in Elements of Avebury, as a stone it is great to wear – a bit like a comfort blanket!
Having something to do can really assist, a focus that can take you away from this world and into another, what better than a new book to take you on a personal, and extremely rewarding journey so this is my 6th recommendation:
The Soulistic Journey – a fascinating book written by Genevieve Boast and Lorna Howarth where YOU are the journey!
Following the expert guidance of these two wonderful women this book takes you through a year and a day on a path of self-discovery and transformation.
The step-by-step guidance from Genevieve and Lorna encourage you to let go of the ‘old’ you like no other book I have ever read. What could unfold is your authentic depths of wisdom and courage which could lead you to a deeper understanding of your soul journey….
The perfect time to get engrossed in such a rewarding book could be a lockdown…. Oooo hello lockdown!
My final tip on how to overcome lockdown blues is simple, and very effective…. A Rose Quartz Bath…
If you have never tried it its time you did and here are the ingredients:
- A ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the door – no children or husband allowed in for 30 minutes.
- A bath full of hot water and bubbles – rose scented if possible (if you love the smell as much as I do)
- Lots of lit candles around the edge of the bath – please be careful not to burn yourself or your hair!
- Some soft, meditation music in the background
- Several lumps of Rose Quartz in the bath
- And time…. Time to relax into it….
This is a winner for me, a self-care day can sometimes keep you too busy – especially if you have family around you – thirty minutes is much easier and no matter how busy you are, try and squeeze one or two of these in a month – they can really combat some of the lockdown blues we are all feeling at the moment by just taking time out for you and making yourself the most important person for that time.
So, there you have it, my list of 7 ways to beat Lockdown Blues…. I hope you manage to enjoy one if not more of them…
One Love
Donna xxx