
Donna Byatt
The May Flower Moon...

The May Flower Moon...

We are in the midst of the May Flower Moon (also a Blue Moon)…. If life has been feeling upside down recently this could be why. Well, firstly the full moon is in Scorpio and a Scorpio moon is seen as the most powerful for releasing, cleansing and changing your life! Scorpio in Astrology rules over death, re birth and spiritual transformation, I don’t know about you but I have personally had a pretty tough month, overwhelming emotions and a genuine feeling that I was peeling back the layers of my life to reveal my truth… which has been interesting...

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Donna Byatt
What is Beltain?

What is Beltain?

At 4:30am in Avebury a small group of people will come together, the ladies will dress up and the gents will also dress up as Green Men. They scatter themselves around the Avebury Stone Circle and play kiss chase… once the gent has caught his girl they will dance their dance around the Maypole in celebration of the ending of Springtime and the early view of the summer sunshine.,,,,,

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Donna Byatt
Lemurian - Code Keeper of Freedom

Lemurian - Code Keeper of Freedom

Lemurian - The Code Keepers of Freedom.... The Brazilians named them the Code Keeper of Freedom because they are the mother of all Lemurians. These are highly sought after Master Crystals with an extremely high vibration. 

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Donna Byatt
Can Crystals Help YOU?

Can Crystals Help YOU?

Is crystal energy a real thing? My Story. Running Elements of Avebury and selling beautiful crystals is like a dream come true for me. Literally my heart, my soul and my life are carefully put into making it a lovely space for customers to come and select their crystals.  If you are new to crystals then it can all be quite overwhelming. There are so many different shapes and even more different types of crystals…  The crystal world is HUGE and this blog is just a snippet of information to help you to start getting into crystals.  The Science Part… ...

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