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Manifestation Quartz Pendant
Manifestation Quartz Pendant
Manifestation Quartz Pendant
Manifestation Quartz Pendant
Manifestation Quartz Pendant
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Manifestation Quartz Pendant

Regular price £688.00

(Chain Sold Separately) 

Length: 6cm

Width: 3.5cm

The Manifestation Quartz contains an entire smaller crystal within a larger crystal. 

It is a unique formation, which results in these crystals being quite a rare find!

The wearer must be certain of their manifestations and clear any inner turmoil prior to using or wearing this piece in order to expect effectivity.

The crystal may not facilitate manifestation if it is receiving mixed messages. 

This crystal also facilitates creative and artistic thinking, and helps fill you with incentive and drive to proceed in the right direction in life - helping you select the most desirable path for your journey.