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Elements of Avebury Crystals Clear Quartz And Black Onyx Crystal Pendulum
Elements of Avebury Crystals Clear Quartz And Black Onyx Crystal Pendulum
Elements of Avebury Crystals Clear Quartz And Black Onyx Crystal Pendulum
Elements of Avebury Crystals Clear Quartz And Black Onyx Crystal Pendulum
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Clear Quartz And Black Onyx Crystal Pendulum

Regular price £78.00


Including Chain - 20.5cm

Pendulum - 5.5, 3.5cm (L,W)

Quartz is the most abundant and powerful healing crystal on the planet. It is a master healer that amplifies, absorbs, stores, unblocks and regulates energy and is excellent for programming. Quartz adjusts its vibrations according to the needs of the user and takes the energy back to its most perfect state. It focuses concentration, unlocks memory and removes negative conditioning or toxic thought patterns. As it contains every colour possible, Clear Quartz works on all levels of being and uplifts energy to the highest possible level.  Quartz has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds, enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.  Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions.

Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. It generates electromagnetism, protects against radiation, dispels static electricity and doubles your biomagnetic field when held in your hand.  There are many varieties of Quartz. The major prosperity stone Citrine is a form of Quartz as is the love attractor Rose Quartz and the Smoky Quartz that assists in manifesting your dreams.

Onyx is a secretive stone that helps you keep your own counsel and holds the memories of things that have happened to the wearer, making it useful for psychometry, past life work and healing old grief, sorrows and injuries. It is a mental tonic that alleviates overwhelming fears and worries and recognises and integrates dualities within oneself

Onyx provides support in difficult times, centering your energy and helping wise decision making through higher guidance, absorbing universal energies required for healing or other purposes.  It can take you forward to view the future and facilitates taking control of one’s destiny.  This stone promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina, aids learning lessons, imparting self-confidence, helps you to be at  ease in your surroundings and balances the yin and yang within the body..

It imparts self-control and anchors flighty people into a more stable way of life.

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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