‘The Rainbow Tablets • Journey back to Wholeness’ by Sia-Lanu Estrella
This deep cosmic remembering belongs to each of you.
”The Rainbow Tablets channeling a have been shared by Rainbow Race. We are your ‘unified’ selves. And if you have come upon this manuscript, it is because you are ready to start living and creating as the great master that you are’
”This transmission contains activations to help you re-embody your true cosmic essence. That moment of remembering yourself is pure bliss. You have waited eons for this moment and now it is here’
”We will help you step into your highest embodiment through nine core areas; our cosmic history; time and multi-dimensionality; living from the heart; nurturing your energetic and physical bodies; ego death; unifying the divine feminine and divine masculine; divine union; twin flames and soul contacts; and sacred sexuality”
Sia-Luna Estrella has been channeling and offering multi-dimensional healing since her teens. Australian-born, she lives in Peru and shared her gifts through mentorships and worldwide retreats. When cosmic developments made it possible for the Rainbow Tablets to be restored to Earth, Sia-Lanu was called to urgently channel this manuscript. Through her work, she is dedicated to assisting others with embodying their greatest gifts and their Rainbow Frequency.