PROPERTIES: Stabilising emotions, protecting, bringing peace, and clarity of mind, repairing and re-energising the aura
Selenite is an extremely high vibration, translucent and fragile crystal with an ethereal white appearance that holds a deep inner peace and divine light. It is a powerful disperser of negativity and stabilizer of erratic emotions, protecting against outside influences. Excellent for meditation or spiritual work, it takes you into pure light, bringing clarity of mind, opening the crown and higher crown chakras and accessing angelic consciousness and higher guidance. Pure Selenite is a link to the light body, helping to anchor it in the earth vibration and is said to occupy the space between light and matter. Selenite is excellent for repairing and re-energising the aura. Carrying the imprint of all that has happened in the world, Selenite is very useful for checking on progress made and for accessing the plan for the present life from the between life state. It pinpoints lessons and issues that are still being worked upon, and shows how they can best be resolved. Intuitive and loving communication is enhanced by two people each holding a piece and Selenite brings the subconscious to light, clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture.
COLOURS: Pure white, orange, blue, brown, green
SOURCE: USA, Mexico, Russia, Austria, Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England
METHOD OF CLEANING: Rice, Smudging, Visualising light, Essences, Sound, Crystal Recharging
METHOD OF RECHARGING: Sunlight, Moonlight, Earth, Essences, Sound, Crystal Cluster
CHAKRAS: Highest Crown, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway
HEALING: Selenite neutralizes mercury poisoning from dental amalgam, reverses the effects of ‘free radicals’, aligns the spinal column, promotes flexibility and guards against epileptic seizures. It is an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and nurturing a child. Its finest healing occurs at the energetic levels.
Content very kindly written by Judy Hall, Judy Hall is a successful Mind Body Spirit author with over 40 books to her credit including the million selling Crystal Bible (volumes 1, 2 and 3)