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Elements of Avebury Crystal Ruby in Zoisite Freeform
Elements of Avebury Crystal Ruby in Zoisite Freeform
Elements of Avebury Crystal Ruby in Zoisite Freeform
Elements of Avebury Crystal Ruby in Zoisite Freeform
Elements of Avebury Crystal Ruby in Zoisite Freeform
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Ruby in Zoisite Freeform

Regular price £60.00

Dimensions approx: 7.5, 5, 4 (H/W/D)

A gorgeous example of a highly polished Ruby in Zoisite freeform stone.

ZOISITE PROPERTIES: Transmuting negative energies, connecting to spiritual realms, transforming.

Zoisite brings to the surface repressed feelings and emotions so that they can be expressed. It dispels lethargy, transmutes negative energies into positive ones, transforms destructive urges into constructive ones and connects to the spiritual realms. Mentally, Zoisite is a creative stone, bringing the mind back to its objectives after an interruption and aids in manifesting one’s own ideas rather than being influenced by others or trying to conform to the norm. Zoisite encourages recovery from severe illnesses or stress.

RUBY PROPERTIES: Attracting and maintain wealth, bringing vigour, stirring passion, energising, protecting from psychic attack

Ruby is an energising, balancing and stimulating stone, stirring passion and bringing vigour and has long been known for its ability to attract and retain wealth. Conversely, it calms hyperactivity. Delicate or irritable people may sometimes become overstimulated by it and anger can rise, requiring transmutation by other stones’. It encourages removal of anything negative from your path. Overcoming lethargy, it strengthens motivation, helps set realistic goals, offers the courage to bring your dreams to fruition and helps you remain emotionally detached from an outcome. Ruby is a sociable stone that attracts sexual activity, stimulates the heart chakra and balances the heart and encourages ‘following your bliss’.  It is a powerful shield against psychic attack and vampirism of heart energy. It sharpens the mind, heightening concentration and promotes dynamic leadership.

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.