PROPERTIES: Attracting and maintain wealth, bringing vigour, stirring passion, energising, protecting from psychic attack
Ruby is an energising, balancing and stimulating stone, stirring passion and bringing vigour and has long been known for its ability to attract and retain wealth. Conversely, it calms hyperactivity. Delicate or irritable people may sometimes become overstimulated by it and anger can rise, requiring transmutation by other stones’. It encourages removal of anything negative from your path. Overcoming lethargy, it strengthens motivation, helps set realistic goals, offers the courage to bring your dreams to fruition and helps you remain emotionally detached from an outcome. Ruby is a sociable stone that attracts sexual activity, stimulates the heart chakra and balances the heart and encourages ‘following your bliss’. It is a powerful shield against psychic attack and vampirism of heart energy. It sharpens the mind, heightening concentration and promotes dynamic leadership.
Caution: This stone/crystal contains toxic material and is best used tumbled. Wash hands after use and make essence by the indirect method only.
SOURCE: India, Madagascar, Russia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Kenya, Mexico
METHOD OF CLEANING: Return to the Earth, Rice, Smudging, Visualising light, Essences, Sound, Crystal Recharging
METHOD OF RECHARGING: Sunlight, Moonlight, Earth, Essences, Sound, Crystal Cluster
HEALING: Ruby stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen, detoxifies the body, blood and lymph, treats fevers, infectious disease and restricted blood flow. It is extremely beneficial for the heart and circulatory system.
Content very kindly written by Judy Hall, Judy Hall is a successful Mind Body Spirit author with over 40 books to her credit including the million selling Crystal Bible (volumes 1, 2 and 3).