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Rose Quartz

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Rose Quartz

PROPERTIES: Attracting love, opening and healing the heart, forgiveness, supporting mid-life crisis

Rose Quartz is one of the best known and easily recognisable forms of quartz, with its pale pink colour representing unconditional love, heart energy and healing and forgiveness. It teaches you how to love and value yourself and how to open to, and receive love. It heals emotional traumas, de-stresses, soothes and harmonises and brings forgiveness. This stone can be used to attract and maintain love than and can restore trust and harmony in existing relationships. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity and aids the acceptance of necessary change, making it an excellent stone for mid-life crisis. Holding Rose Quartz aids positive affirmations, promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds and is a stone of infinite compassion and deep peace


SOURCE: South Africa, USA, Brazil, Japan, India, Madagascar

METHOD OF CLEANING: Running under water, Return to the Earth, Rice, Salt, Smudging, Visualising light, Essences, Sound, Crystal Recharging

METHOD OF RECHARGING: Sunlight, Moonlight, Earth, Essences, Sound, Crystal Cluster


HEALING: Rose Quartz aids the physical heart and circulatory system, releases impurities from body fluids, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals and alleviates vertigo. It is helpful in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia and is said to increase fertility. The stone or crystal essence soothes burns and blistering and smoothes the complexion.

Content very kindly written by Judy Hall, Judy Hall is a successful Mind Body Spirit author with over 40 books to her credit including the million selling Crystal Bible (volumes 1, 2 and 3).