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Quartz Enhydro Pendant
Quartz Enhydro Pendant
Quartz Enhydro Pendant
Quartz Enhydro Pendant
Quartz Enhydro Pendant
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Quartz Enhydro Pendant

Regular price £362.00

`(Chain Sold Separately)

Length: 5cm

Width: 2cm

Contains black tourmaline enclosed within a small Enhydro bubble.

A small piece of tourmaline gently glides back and forth within the Enhydro bubble located on the right side of this pendant.

Quartz is the most abundant and powerful healing crystal on the planet. It is a master healer that amplifies, absorbs, stores, unblocks and regulates energy and is excellent for programming.

Quartz adjusts its vibrations according to the needs of the user and takes the energy back to its most perfect state. It focuses concentration, unlocks memory and removes negative conditioning or toxic thought patterns.

As it contains every colour possible, Clear Quartz works on all levels of being and uplifts energy to the highest possible level. 

Quartz has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds, enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.  Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions.

Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. It generates electromagnetism, protects against radiation, dispels static electricity and doubles your biomagnetic field when held in your hand. 

Tourmaline is a strongly protective stone that grounds spiritual energy and forms a protective shield around the body.

It cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration and is an effective scrying and healing tool. Tourmaline wands clear the aura, remove blockages, disperse negative energy and point to solutions for specific problems. 

They are excellent for balancing and connecting the chakras and re-balancing the meridians. Tourmaline balances the right-left hemispheres of the brain, improving hand to eye coordination, overcoming dyslexia and transmuting negative thought patterns into positive ones. 

Tourmaline takes you deep into yourself, bringing self-understanding, diminishing fear, removing victim consciousness and attracting inspiration, compassion, tolerance, self-confidence and prosperity.

This stone has a strong affinity with the devic energies and is extremely beneficial for the garden and plants, acting as a natural insecticide and encouraging the growth and health of all crops. 

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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