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Regular price £15.00

Length: 4cm

Width: 2.5cm

Iron Pyrite is often called Fools Gold. It is an exceptionally strong and fast acting ‘macho’ stone that gets things moving, assisting you to tap into your own potential and ignite your creative spark.

Helping you to see what lies beneath a façade, Pyrite is also an excellent energy shield, blocking negative energy and pollutants at all levels including infective diseases.

Iron Pyrite is very positive stone which lifts melancholy and deep despair, boosts your self-worth and self-confidence, relieves anxiety and frustration and both motivates and activates you to move into joy.

It quickly connects you to universal energy, removes blockages to tapping into abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas.

Iron Pyrite is useful for energising business projects and planning large business concepts and aids diplomacy.

However, it can be too strong for ‘macho men’ and works best for women and gentle-men, strengthening confidence in oneself and one’s masculinity, instilling stamina and insight within a spirit of cooperation.

Pyrite increases blood flow to the brain and improves memory and recall.

Cubic Pyrite in particular expands and structures mental capabilities, balancing instinct with intuition, creativity with analysis. 

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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