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PROPERTIES: Nurturing, supporting, problem solving, shamanic journeying, protecting, grounding, balancing yin and yang

Jasper has many varieties. Providing protection and grounding energies, it absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and the aura.  Each colour is appropriate to a specific chakra. Jasper balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm.  It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution including radiation, and aids dowsing. This stone supports during times of stress, bringing tranquillity. Combining organisational abilities with imagination, it brings hidden problems to light helping to find new coping strategies and assist in seeing projects through. It facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall, during which its grounding qualities are helpful.

Jasper unifies all aspects of your life.  It supports during necessary conflict and reminds humanity to aid each other.  Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits and encourages honesty with oneself. Physically, Jasper prolongs sexual pleasure.  It supports during prolonged illness or hospitalisation and reenergizes the body. Jasper knives instantly cut through and remove ties. Dissolving old patterns, they help the etheric blueprint reconstruct to a more appropriate configuration.

COLOURS: Red, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple

SOURCE: Worldwide

METHOD OF CLEANING: Running under water, Return to the Earth, Rice, Salt, Smudging, Visualising light, Essences, Sound, Crystal Recharging

METHOD OF RECHARGING: Sunlight, Moonlight, Earth, Essences, Sound, Crystal Cluster

CHAKRAS: Cleanses and aligns all

HEALING:  Jasper supports the circulatory, digestive and sexual organs.  It balances the mineral content of the body.  It is particularly useful as a crystal essence because it does not over stimulate the body.


In addition to the above attributes, the following colours have additional properties

BASANITE (BLACK JASPER) is a useful scrying stone.  It takes you deep into an altered state of consciousness and brings prophetic dreams and visions.

BLUE JASPER connects you to the spiritual world. It sustains energy during a fast, heals degenerative diseases and balances mineral deficiency. Blue Jasper stimulates the throat chakra, balances yin-yang energy, and stabilizes the aura. Positioned on the navel and heart chakras, this stone takes you astral travelling.

BRECCIATED JASPER – see RED JASPER: “Brecciated” indicates that this form of Red Jasper was broken at some time during its growth and whole quartz formed in the previously broken veins during the healing process, This gives it its web like patterns and white streaks.

BROWN JASPER (including PICTURE JASPER) is connected to the earth. It encourages ecological awareness, bringing stability and balance and is particularly useful for alleviating geopathic and environmental stress. This stone gives night vision, aids astral travel and stimulates the earth chakra.  It facilitates deep meditation, centring, and regression to the past, revealing karmic causes. Brown Jasper boosts the immune system, clears pollutants and toxins from the body and aids the cleansing organs.  It heals the skin and aids in giving up smoking.

GREEN JASPER heals and releases dis-ease and obsession.  It balances out parts of your life that have become all-important to the detriment of others.  It heals ailments of the upper torso, the digestive tract and the purifying organs and reduces toxicity and inflammation. This stone stimulates the heart chakra, treats skin disorders and dispels bloating.

PURPLE JASPER stimulates the crown chakra.  It eliminates contradictions.

RED JASPER (including BRECCIATED JASPER) grounds energy and rectifies unjust situations and can also be gently stimulating. It calms the emotions, bringing problems to light before they become too big and providing insights into the most difficult situations. Placed under the pillow, it aids dream recall. Red Jasper stimulates the base chakras and aids rebirthing. It is a powerful re-energiser for your libido and for prolonging sexual pleasure. Energising and cleansing the sex organs; it is particularly appropriate for men. Red Jasper cleans and stabilizes the aura, and strengthens your boundaries. This is a stone of health, strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, blood and liver. It dissolves blockages in the liver or bile ducts.

YELLOW JASPER is known as the ‘Supreme Nurturer’, sustaining and supporting during times of stress. It reminds humanity to aid each other, brings the courage to get to grips with problems assertively, and encourages honesty with yourself. It protects during spiritual work and physical travel, channels positive energy, making you feel physically better, and energises the endocrine system. Yellow Jasper stimulates and cleanses the solar plexus chakra, channelling positive energy, releases toxins and heals the digestion and stomach.


In addition to the above attributes, the following colours and forms have additional properties

Jasper: Bumble Bee Jasper can be found in Indonesia and Australia and facilitates the ‘pollination’ of new projects and represents triumph over the impossible. It encourages total honesty with yourself. Supremely nurturing, it assists the at-risk bee population. Bumble Bee Jasper works with the Sacral, solar plexus chakras and is beneficial for allergies and emotional dis-ease.

Content very kindly written by Judy Hall, Judy Hall is a successful Mind Body Spirit author with over 40 books to her credit including the million selling Crystal Bible (volumes 1, 2 and 3).