PROPERTIES: Grounding, protecting, balancing the meridians, dissolving negativity, overcoming compulsions and addictions
Hematite is particularly effective at grounding and protecting and protects the soul and grounds it back into the body during out of body journeying. It dissolves negativity and prevents negative energies from entering the aura, restoring peace and harmony to the body. This stone is strongly yang and balances the meridians, redressing yin imbalances and harmonizes mind, body and spirit. Hematite aids concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. It brings the mind’s attention to basic survival needs and helps to sort out problems of all kinds. This is a useful stone for the study of mathematics and technical subjects and is said to be beneficial for legal situations.
Hematite is a useful stone for overcoming compulsions and addictions and brings attention to the unfulfilled desires that are driving life. It may help overcome over-eating, smoking and any form of over-indulgence. Hematite helps to come to terms with mistakes and to accept them as learning experiences rather than disasters. Having a powerful connection with blood, it restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply and can draw heat from the body. Hematite supports timid women, boosts self-esteem and survival ability, enhances will-power and reliability, and imparts confidence. This stone removes self-limitations and aids expansion.
Hematite should not be used where inflammation is present or for long periods of time.
COLOURS: Silver, red.
SOURCE: Britain, Italy, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland
METHOD OF CLEANING: Running under water, Return to the Earth, Rice, Salt, Smudging, Visualising light, Essences, Sound, Crystal Recharging
METHOD OF RECHARGING: Sunlight, Moonlight, Earth, Essences, Sound, Crystal Cluster
CHAKRAS: Base, Earth Star, Soma, All
HEALING: Hematite aids circulatory problems such as Reynauds disease and blood conditions such as anaemia. It supports the kidney in cleansing blood and regenerates tissue. Hematite stimulates the absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells. It treats leg cramps, nervous disorders and insomnia, and aids spinal alignment and factures. Use as a crystal essence for fevers.
Content very kindly written by Judy Hall, Judy Hall is a successful Mind Body Spirit author with over 40 books to her credit including the million selling Crystal Bible (volumes 1, 2 and 3).