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Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
Elements of Avebury Crystals Crystal Pillows
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Crystal Pillows

Regular price £22.00

Dimensions approx- 2cm (H) 5cm (Diameter)

Moonstone attunes us to the feminine, receptive, passive and reflective energies of the Moon, its nature, cycles, flow, emotions, the unconscious and intuition. It balances male-female energies, helping aggressive females, macho men or men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It works strongly on the emotions, drawing out old emotional patterning, calming over-reactions and emotional triggers. bringing deep emotional healing, and aiding emotional intelligence. This stone opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity and synchronicity. Traditionally used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance, Moonstone is perfect for new moon rituals but can be too strong at the full moon. It aids empathy and dreaming, but may induce illusions in sensitive people.

The hematite/ hematoid (iron)-rich colouring of Orange River Quartz resonates with the Sacral chakra, making this an immensely energising stone of creativity that revitalises and brings a zest for life. It draws creative energies from the earth and takes it up the chakra line. When you feel lacking in joy or energy, this stone reconnects you to giving and receiving pleasure and re-motivates you to your soul purpose. Orange River Quartz connects you to your spiritual power and helps to overcome karmic misuse or abuse of power. A tantric twin form can call in your twinflame if you are emotionally prepared. Physically, Orange River realigns the meridians of the body and encourages energy flow in organs via purified and re-energised blood.

Golden Healer Quartz is incredibly active, the iron oxide in the stone amps up the power exponentially and creates a multi-dimensional energy grid around our planet. This Quartz has the iron content within the crystal itself or between the layers of the Quartz as well as a dusting or coating on the crystal. Accessing multi-dimensional, interstellar healing power and bringing Christ Consciousness down to the earth, it makes healing more potent on all levels. This is a wonderful tool to prepare the lightbody for an influx of cosmic energy that expands awareness. Using it helps you to walk in Christ Consciousness on the earth so that your whole being helps the planet to ascend. Golden Healer Quartz carries natural bioscalar waves that heal at multi-dimensions and intercellular levels. It purifies, aligns and re-energizes the chakras and rapidly releases ancient emotional conditioning held in the solar plexus. The crystal harnesses the personal will held in that chakra with that of divine will held in the chakras above the crown, so that the Higher Self becomes the guiding light rather than the ego. This stone facilitates making profound changes in your life with minimum fuss and effort. Place a large Golden Healer under a healing couch, or grid small ones at each corner to experience multi-dimensional cellular healing for the physical, subtle and light bodies. You can dedicate your Golden Healer Quartz to send peace and healing into our World. Golden Healer Quartz are master, multi-purpose healers for all conditions. They restore the whole system to energetic wholeness and optimum functioning.

Labradorite has iridescent layers of colours that reflect when turned and can take you into another world or into other lives where you can access esoteric knowledge, enhance intuition and clear emotional debris. It supports through change, imparts strength and perseverance, strengthens faith in oneself and trust in the universe. This stone brings up suppressed memories from the past, dispels illusions, going to the root of a matter and showing the intention behind thoughts and actions. Its reflective qualities make it an excellent protector, keeping others’ energies out – wear it as a pendant in group or healing situations. Labradorite pulls in spiritual power, raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. It aligns the physical and etheric bodies, accesses spiritual purpose, balances the rational mind with intuitive wisdom, calms an over-active mind and brings in new ideas. A stone of transformation, it prepares body and soul for the ascension process.Spectrolite is a higher vibration of Labradorite.

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.