Clary Sage Essential Oil
Cedrus atlantica
The sacred Cedars of Lebanon and the Atlas Mountains became victim of their own popularity a long time ago. The decimation started in pre-Biblical times and still continues. At one time these grand forests of lofty Cedars must have been overwhelming in their awe-inspiring beauty. Lebanon and Atlas Cedars are large, regal trees that can live up to 2000 years. But despite their sacredness they were not protected: King Solomon ordered vast tracks to be cut down for the construction of his temple and palace and even long before his time, the Gilgamesh epic tells the story of another misguided adventurer, who abused the majestic trees for his own glory. Although he failed on account of the glory, he managed to decimate the wonderful forests. Subsequent grazing by farm animals have prevented the forest's recovery and today little of it remains in tact. A similar fate is in store for Atlas Cedar, which became the substitute for Lebanon Cedar and which at present is becoming threatened in its own habitat.
Cedarwood Atlas can be used for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma and catarrh. In aromatherapy skin care it is used for oily skin, acne, dandruff, dermatitis and eczema. It is also used for stress related problems, especially when these are due to a lack of self confidence and nervous tension. Caution - Avoid during pregnancy.
When using this oil be aware of its preciousness and ask yourself if another, less endangered oil may not serve the same purpose. In ancient times, Cedar wood was used to construct coffins. Like all conifers, Cedar is associated with eternal life and so it was hoped that a body placed in coffin fashioned from its wood would find easier access to the Otherworld. It was also much used for incense, the scent being considered particularly purifying and sacred. It was used to consecrate ritual objects and to cleanse the ceremonial grounds. It helps focusing on the magical intent and to align with one's highest purpose. It may help us to overcome spiritual bigotry and self-glorification if we were to learn from the lessons of Gilgamesh and Solomon - the greatest spiritual glory lies not in the pursuit of magical power and dominion, but in serving the Gods.
A warm, aromatic, woody scent. Blends well with Rose, Bergamot, Jasmine, Neroli, Juniper, Cypress, Clary Sage, Frankincense and Mimosa.