Brandenburg Amethyst Tumble
Average Dimensions: 3cm X 3cm
One of our team members will intuitively select the right crystal for you.
Brandenburg has an exceedingly high vibration, connecting to the immensity of your spiritual being. It is perfect for deep soul healing and forgiveness work and works by restoring the etheric blueprint from which your physical body was formed, to its perfect energetic state.
The healing, often instantaneous and profound, filters into the mental, psychological, emotional and physical bodies restoring balance on all those levels. A tool for looking within, Brandenburg is the most powerful reprogramming crystal available and reframes vows and promises.
It attunes to your core spiritual identity, facilitating true self-reflection and consciousness activation. It assists travel to the between-life state to ascertain your current soul plan, identifying where a conscious choice was needed and shows how to return to or adjust your original soul plan as needed.
Brandenberg heals the imprints and effects of trauma in previous lives, removes blockages to spiritual or psychic sight and accesses guidance from the purest source. It enhances meditation, regression and healing and facilitates an objective viewpoint.
It attaches a cosmic anchor deep in the earth and at the centre of the galaxy, ensuring an inner core energetic solidity no matter what changes occur.
Brandenburg protects against psychic attack and alien invasion, and repels negative energy calling in positive light. It holds a light when working in shadows or underworld, especially during soul or child parts retrieval and facilitates purification and integration of those parts into your present self.
A Brandenburg clears the higher heart chakra and opens the throat so that spiritual truth is spoken with unconditional love and compassion. It quickly disconnects a previously made mystic marriage or any relationship that has resulted in intertwining at the higher chakras.
All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.
Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.
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