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Frosted Agate and Angelite
Frosted Agate and Angelite
Frosted Agate and Angelite
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Frosted Agate and Angelite

Regular price £22.00

Inside Diameter: 6.5cm

Agates work slowly and gently but bring great strength. They are excellent for grounding, working on the emotional, physical and intellectual levels and aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Agate has the power to harmonize yin and yang and is useful for any kind of emotional trauma, creating a sense of safety and security by dissolving internal tension. This stone helps to do only what is necessary and to say no when appropriate. Agate gently facilitates acceptance of one’s self, building self-confidence and overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart. It heals inner anger, fostering love and the courage to start again.  Aiding self-analysis and seeing beneath the surface, it brings to your attention any dis-ease that is interfering with your well-being.

This stone encourages quiet contemplation, raises consciousness and links into collective consciousness and awareness of the oneness of life.  Agates improve concentration, perception and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions. Their love of truthfulness encourages speaking one’s own truth.

Angelite is a powerful stone for healers, deepening attunement and heightening perception.  It provides protection for the environment or the body, especially when taken as a crystal essence and is one of the ‘stones of awareness’ for the new age, representing peace and brotherhood. As its name suggests, it facilitates conscious contact with the angelic realm.  It enhances telepathic communication and enables out of body journeys whilst still being in contact with everyday reality. Angelite helps you to speak your truth, and to be more compassionate and accepting – especially of anything that can’t be changed. Angelite has been used to enhance astrological understanding, to bring deeper understanding of mathematics whilst it helps to connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness. Alleviating psychological pain and counteracting cruelty, it transmutes physical pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration.  This stone creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquillity and is filled with compassion.  Angelite facilitates the rebirthing process, stimulates healing and opens psychic channelling.

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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