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Raspberry Aventurine
Raspberry Aventurine
Raspberry Aventurine
Raspberry Aventurine
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Raspberry Aventurine

Regular price £21.00

Height: 9.5cm

Width: 3cm

Aventurine has been used as a gamblers lucky talisman for centuries. It is a very positive stone, makes an excellent gratitude stone, helping you to value what you already have and helps bring success in creative endeavours.  A comforter, heart healer, and general harmoniser, Aventurine gently dissolves distressing feelings and thoughts and diffuses negative situations, turning them around. It promotes compassion and empathy, encourages trying again and strengthens mature love. Excellent for transmuting negative earth energies it has a strong connection to the devic kingdom and is used to grid gardens or houses against geopathic stress. Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution.  Aventurine assists you to get to grips with technology, enhancing your skills.

Aventurine reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness, helping to see alternatives and possibilities, especially those presented by other people. It brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies, calms anger and irritation and aids emotional recovery, enabling living within one’s own heart and guards against psychic vampirism of heart energy

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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