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Carnelian and Hematoid Quartz Necklace
Carnelian and Hematoid Quartz Necklace
Carnelian and Hematoid Quartz Necklace
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Carnelian and Hematoid Quartz Necklace

Regular price £133.00

Length: 22cm

Carnelian has a high, vibrant energy, and its orange colour particularly resonates with the sacral chakra, restoring vitality and motivation, stimulating creativity, overcoming impotence or frigidity, and restoring vitality to the female reproductive organs. It stabilizes, grounds and anchors into the present reality and helps you to trust yourself and your perceptions. Carnelian gets to the bottom of what makes you tick, overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. This stone encourages analytic abilities and sharpens perception and concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Attuning day dreamers to everyday reality, it unites logic and intuition, stripping away illusions and revealing the reality behind your dreams, but if the dream is realistic, Carnelian helps it to manifest.  Emotionally this stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage and resentment, one’s own or other people’s. Calming anger, it replaces it with a love of life. In ancient times, it was used to protect the dead on their journey. as amulets of power and protection and for assuring the wearer of success in business.  It imparts an acceptance of the cycle of life and removes fear of death. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones.

Hematite is particularly effective at grounding and protecting and protects the soul and grounds it back into the body during out of body journeying.  It dissolves negativity and prevents negative energies from entering the aura, restoring peace and harmony to the body.  This stone is strongly yang and balances the meridians, redressing yin imbalances and harmonizes mind, body and spirit. Hematite aids concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. It brings the mind’s attention to basic survival needs and helps to sort out problems of all kinds.  This is a useful stone for the study of mathematics and technical subjects and is said to be beneficial for legal situations.

Hematite is a useful stone for overcoming compulsions and addictions and brings attention to the unfulfilled desires that are driving life. It may help overcome over-eating, smoking and any form of over-indulgence. Hematite helps to come to terms with mistakes and to accept them as learning experiences rather than disasters.  Having a powerful connection with blood, it restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply and can draw heat from the body. Hematite supports timid women, boosts self-esteem and survival ability, enhances will-power and reliability, and imparts confidence.  This stone removes self-limitations and aids expansion.

Quartz is the most abundant and powerful healing crystal on the planet. It is a master healer that amplifies, absorbs, stores, unblocks and regulates energy and is excellent for programming. Quartz adjusts its vibrations according to the needs of the user and takes the energy back to its most perfect state. It focuses concentration, unlocks memory and removes negative conditioning or toxic thought patterns. As it contains every colour possible, Clear Quartz works on all levels of being and uplifts energy to the highest possible level.  Quartz has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds, enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.  Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions.

Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. It generates electromagnetism, protects against radiation, dispels static electricity and doubles your biomagnetic field when held in your hand.  There are many varieties of Quartz. The major prosperity stone Citrine is a form of Quartz as is the love attractor Rose Quartz and the Smoky Quartz that assists in manifesting your dreams.

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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