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Sapphire, Angel Aura and Tanzanite Aura Circlet
Sapphire, Angel Aura and Tanzanite Aura Circlet
Sapphire, Angel Aura and Tanzanite Aura Circlet
Sapphire, Angel Aura and Tanzanite Aura Circlet
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Sapphire, Angel Aura and Tanzanite Aura Circlet

Regular price £163.00

Beautifully hand crafted, head pieces. These crowns are created in Wiltshire, decorated with hand selected crystals by local artist – Luna. Aside from the crystals these are composed of stainless steel or copper. Each circlet is entirely individual and crafted with love.

Sapphire is a joyful and wise stone, traditionally associated with love and purity, that transmutes negative energies and assists self-expression and speaking your truth. This tranquil stone dissolves spiritual confusion, calms the mind, releases unwanted thoughts and mental tension, bringing peace of mind, serenity and aiding concentration. 

Sapphire aligns the physical, mental and spiritual planes and restores balance within body and teaches responsibility for your thoughts and feelings.

It is highly effective for earth and chakra healing. Known as the wisdom stone, Sapphire brings an influx of prosperity into your life which can be in the form of money or other resources.

Angel Aura Rock Crystal – Offers a highly supportive spiritual energy of exquisite purity. The iridescence shines like the wings of Angels, hence the name, and contacts guardian angels and angelic guidance.

This crystal facilitates remembering soul lessons from past incarnations and attuning to present life soul purpose. It clears the throat chakra and encourages loving communication. Angel Aura aligns all the chakras and harmonises the subtle bodies with the physical. It can relieve anxiety, panic attacks and phobia’s.

Tanzanite Aura  is excellent for restarting and regulating the thyroid but ensure that it has been coated by gold and indium being electrostatically bonded, and has not been dyed.


It brings about multi-dimensional balance and profound spiritual interconnection, opens and aligns the soul star and highest crown chakras way above the subtle bodies and draws cosmic energy into the physical body and to earth.


This stone can take you into a centred state of ‘no-mind’ that enhances sensual enjoyment of the world around you. It provides deep spiritual comfort, dissolving emotional blockages and replacing them with unconditional love and reminds you of your Soul group and the gifts contained in the challenges you chose in this lifetime.


All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.

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