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“Divine Purpose” Mala
“Divine Purpose” Mala
“Divine Purpose” Mala
“Divine Purpose” Mala
“Divine Purpose” Mala
“Divine Purpose” Mala
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“Divine Purpose” Mala

Regular price £144.00

A gorgeous MALA that has been handmade inside the sacred stone circle of Avebury in Wiltshire. These MALA are all made to order so the stones may vary slightly from those seen in the picture.

108 crystal beads, each bringing meaning, each bringing energy. The MALA is a journey through time, space and elements, encircling you with life-affirming spirit. Each knot tied with guidance from spirit, set with an intention and bound to the Guru bead that holds your prayers and hopes for a life to be lived with purpose.

The transmission that came through whilst this MALA was being made will also be included as a hand written note and it is as follows:

"Divine Purpose" Mala

The deepest levels of joy are radiating out from within your Solar Plexus. Encompassed in this golden light you hold a belief in yourself and your divine purpose. Your soul has bridged with the Universal Consciousness and this connection has solidified the goodness within you and your faith to spread this Divine Feminine Light with others! 

Believe in yourself and your Powers. 

Pink Tourmaline in Quartz

Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual world. Providing assurance that it is safe to love, it inspires trust in love, and confirms that it is necessary to love yourself before you can hope to be loved by others. 

This stone assists in sharing physical pleasure. It disperses emotional pain and old destructive feelings through the heart chakra, which it cleanses, and synthesizes love with spirituality. 

Promoting peace and relaxation, Pink Tourmaline connects you to wisdom and compassion and stimulates receptivity to healing energies.  


Citrine carries the positive, uplifting energy of the Sun, dispelling gloom and negativity, promoting joy and energising the mind and body.

A powerful cleanser, it is extremely protective for the environment. It releases negative traits, overcomes fear of responsibility and stops anger.

This stone helps you move into the flow of feelings and become emotionally balanced, developing a positive attitude and looking forward optimistically instead of hanging onto the past.

Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence, and removes destructive tendencies. Wearing a Citrine pendant overcomes difficulty in verbalising thoughts and feelings

Citrine is a stone of creativity and abundance, attracting wealth, prosperity and  success and encourages sharing those riches, teaching that what you give away returns multiplied fourfold and that generosity of spirit is both a precious gift and a powerful generator of wealth on all levels.  


Rhodonite is a passionate and balancing stone resonating with the heart, bringing healing and balance to deep emotions, including shock, panic, abuse, resentment and feelings of betrayal, bringing forgiveness firing up your energy and stimulating passion.  It can be used in past life healing, helps in taking back what we have projected onto others and can show both sides of an issue. Nurturing love, Rhodonite encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It aids remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations and recognises that revenge is self-destructive.  It grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. Rhodonite balances and integrates physical and mental energies.  It builds up confidence and alleviates confusion.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is one of the best known and easily recognisable forms of quartz, with its pale pink colour representing unconditional love, heart energy and healing and forgiveness.

It teaches you how to love and value yourself and how to open to, and receive love. It heals emotional traumas, de-stresses, soothes and harmonises and brings forgiveness.

This stone can be used to attract and maintain love than and can restore trust and harmony in existing relationships. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity and aids the acceptance of necessary change, making it an excellent stone for mid-life crisis.

 Holding Rose Quartz aids positive affirmations, promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds and is a stone of infinite compassion and deep peace.

Each MALA comes with its own handmade pouch to keep it safe when its not being worn.

If you like what you see and would prefer to have a MALA made just for you - please visit us here or send us an email to for more information or to discuss your requirements. 

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.