Crystal Goddesses
Dimensions- 7.5, 2, 2cm (H,W,D)
Amethyst is extremely powerful and protective with a high spiritual vibration and strong healing and cleansing powers. It blocks negative environment energies and guards against ill-wishing or psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love. It is a natural tranquillizer, helping to still the mind, balancing out highs and lows, aiding emotional centering, dispelling negative emotions and supports coming to terms with loss. It can bring focus and control to a scattered mind, but can also stimulate the mind, enhancing memory, improving motivation, and improving goal setting. Amethyst opens the intuition and enhances psychic gifts and higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness and is useful for scrying, insomnia and meditation. It aids decision-making and the assimilation of new ideas, bringing in common sense and spiritual insights. Traditionally, it was worn to ward off drunkenness and has a sobering effect on over-indulgence and physical passions, supporting sobriety and overcomes addictions and blocks of all kinds. Used at a higher level, Amethyst opens to another reality. It reminds you of your deep well of inner peace and is helpful for people transitioning. Amethyst can stabilize psychiatric conditions but should not be used in paranoia or schizophrenia.
works particularly well with the mind, bringing order, focus, clarity, creativity and clear communication. It heightens intuition, can quicken spiritual awakening and makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities. Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies. It increases self-confidence and dexterity, aids balance and physical and mental coordination. It is also a protective crystal, especially on psychic and psychological levels, cleansing and stabilizing the aura and discerning when outside influences are at work within oneself, shutting off psychic manipulation and mental influence. It also protects against computer and electromagnetic stress and blocks geopathic stress. This is the best crystal to use to overcome any form of disorganisation. It brings order and stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose, and also into daily life by incorporating structure. In healing, Fluorite draws off negative energies of all kinds. and reorganises anything within the body which is not in perfect order. It dissolves fixed ideas, illusions and patterns of behaviour, reveals truth and gently opens the door to the subconscious, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution and helps to move beyond narrow mindedness to see the bigger picture. It is associated with progress on many levels and is helpful when you need to act impartially and objectively. This stone is an excellent learning aid, organizing and processing information, linking what is already known into what is being learnt, and increasing concentration. It rapidly absorbs new information and promotes quick thinking. Emotionally, Fluorite has a stabilizing effect. It helps to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on the body and re-organises the physical, emotional and mental bodies. In relationships, it teaches the importance of balance.
Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Simply having Calcite in the room cleans negative energies from the environment, heightens your energy and draws prosperity into your home. Within the body, it removes stagnant energy. A motivational stone, it gives you the courage to act and to be yourself, restores lost hope, releases limiting beliefs and mental conditioning and forms a bridge to bring an idea into fruition. This spiritual stone is linked to the higher consciousness, facilitates the opening of higher awareness and psychic abilities, channelling and out of body experiences. It accelerates spiritual development and allows the soul to remember experiences when it returns to the body.
Calcite is useful when you’ve always been a “yes” person and need to say “no” gently but firmly. It connects the emotions with the intellect, creating emotional intelligence and combats laziness, aiding in become more energetic on all levels.
Calcite calms the mind, teaches discernment and analysis, stimulates insights and boosts memory. It discerns which information is important, and then aids retaining it. Calcite confers the ability to change ideas into action and is a useful stone for study. The spectrum of colours cleanse the physical and subtle bodies.
Lepidolite is a stabilising stone, balancing mood swings and bi-polar disorders, dissipating stress and negativity, especially despondency and depression, halting obsessive thoughts and overcoming insomnia. It overcomes emotional or mental dependency, supporting in overcoming addictions of all kinds including anorexia. Alerting you to past life blockages, it assists in moving forward, encourages independence and achieving goals without outside help.
Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution, aids shamanic or spiritual journeying and accesses the Akashic Record. It activates and opens the throat, heart, third-eye and crown chakras, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. This objective stone filters out extraneous distractions, stimulates intellect and analytic qualities, aids concentration, decision making and focus on what is important. Lepidolite insists on being used for the highest good.
All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series.
Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a professional. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek professional advice.
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